I’ve written pretty extensively about my trip to Italy this past summer, where I visited the ancestral towns of 7 of my 8 great-grandparents. However, recently I have been once again looking through my photos to re-live the memories, and I remembered one instance where I felt extremely connected to …
Family History Research
An unforgetable surprise I received when doing family research in Italy
I have talked extensively on The Italian American Podcast and on our blog about my trip to Italy this past summer, where I met my living Italian relatives for the first time. What I haven’t talked about, however, is some of the things I learned about my family history while there; things I never …
The serious business of your Italian name
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose/By any other name would smell as sweet, wrote Shakespeare, but I’m going to argue with Shakespeare here. As an Italian American from New York, I have enough bravado to do that. A powerful and enduring Southern-Italian tradition is the naming of children …