If you’re a proud Italian American, it’s probably something you’ve thought about at least once or twice… the prospect of Italian dual citizenship!
Italian law states that citizenship is transferred “Jus sanguinis,” or by the right of blood, so the more than 20 million Americans of Italian descent MAY be eligible to become citizens of our ancestral homeland. With both Italy and the United States now consenting to the concept of dual citizenship, many of us have probably spent more than a few hours trying to decipher the exact laws around eligibility and how it is or is not passed down from our immigrant ancestors.
In this week’s episode, our moderator John M. Viola has decided it’s time for him to finally take the leap and find out for sure if he’s eligible for dual citizenship with Italy! He’s consulted with Mike De Sapio, who is a longtime listener, a member of the IAP New Neighborhood, and the founder of De Sapio Dual Citizenship Services, in order to see, once and for all, if any of his ancestry qualifies him to apply.
John was inspired by the successful application of co-host and pal Dolores Alfieri Taranto, who recently became an Italian citizen, and who is jumping on the mic to share her experience, and be there with her friend when he finds out, live on air, if he is actually eligible.
Mike will answer both of their questions on the rules of eligibility, the application process, the benefits of having an Italian passport, and the many ways in which one might pursue this ancestral claim.
The path to Italian American Dual Citizenship is often one filled with myths and mysteries, so our intrepid moderator has decided to share each step of his experience with our listeners, so that if YOU are thinking about pursuing this often misunderstood right, perhaps some of your questions will be answered in his “Journey to Italian American Dual Citizenship!”
If you’re interested in speaking to Mike to set up your own free consultation (by phone and not by podcast) you can contact De Sapio Dual Citizenship Services by calling (908) 996-6766 or by visiting: https://desapiodualcitizenship.com/
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