Ciao paesani… and Greetings From Italian CALIFORNIA!
This past July, we made our way out West to explore the Italian side of the Golden State, as we set out to film four brand-new episodes of our popular YouTube web series, “Greetings From Italian America.” Joined by our amici from the Italian Sons and Daughters of America (ISDA), we took a whirlwind trip throughout the West Coast, visiting four Italian American enclaves in just five days! From the “hip and historic” Little Italy in San Diego, to the America’s newest Little Italy of San Pedro, across the vast geographies that make up Los Angeles, and into the heart of one of the oldest and strongest Italian communities in America at San Francisco’s North Beach, we went non-stop to see and experience as much of Italian California as we could!
Although these episodes won’t make their way to video for a little while, we were so excited by the places and paesani we met out West, we decided to get together and recap some of our favorite experiences so we could share a little behind the scenes insight with you!
We’ve got recommendations for our favorite meals and Italian American delicacies, advice on the people you need to know when visiting these vibrant communities, and reflections on our deep dive into a part of Italian America far different than any of us could have expected!
Join us as we digest this incredible Italian American adventure, and keep your eyes peeled for these awesome new videos over the coming months!
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