From Gianluca’s top two fresh mozzarellas in the NYC area to some amazing new wines (and yes, amari) recommendations, you’re going to get tons of tips on how to heighten your holiday this year.
We’ll introduce you to the elevation that is colatura -the hottest new “secret ingredient” in the culinary world- which just so happens to be one of ancient Rome’s most common condiments. And, we’ll explore why you might love anchovies if you’ve tried the right ones!
Plus we are discussing Gianluca’s new book: Ma, What Are You Cooking?: The In Vino Veritas Cookbook and Food Guide… an Italian American book so thoroughly encyclopedia that P.O.B. sleeps with it on his nightstand!
And, with the Christmas Season upon us, we’re going to taste a listener-made panettone so good, that it will redefine how you look at this Christmas-time regifting staple!
By the end of this episode, you’ll have a shopping list worth of goodies to track down, so if you love great wines, great food, great friends, and a good old-fashioned Italian American rant don’t miss this very lively (and instructive) episode!
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