In the series, “The Italian Americans,” written and directed by John Maggio, The Italian American Podcast’s guest for Episode 24, there is a scene where author Pete Hamill, discussing the incredible importance of community and la famiglia among Italian Americans, talks about young men he knew in the …
The power of things
A quick note: New episodes of The Italian American Podcast will resume airing on or around November 27th. Anthony and Dolores are pulling together some terrific new shows with amazing Italian Americans, including holiday episodes, so stay tuned! In the meantime, blog posts will be published on …
Learning to hold onto who we are when we lose those who made us who we are
The deepest cut that comes from losing a loved one is the fact that they take things with them. They take distinctive things, things they alone gave and as such, cannot be replicated. Eight years ago yesterday, my father died. With him went his particular approach to traditions, his particular …