For many Italian Americans, the start of summer means the start of "Feast Season," but the summer of social distancing looks like it's also destined to be the “summer of no feasts”… or is it? In this week’s episode, our team discusses how the current COVID-19 crisis has affected the most tangible …
IAP 144: 10 Easy Steps to Becoming an Even Better Italian American While You’re Stuck at Home
What have you been doing during your time in “lockdown”? We here at the Italian American Podcast have been doing what we do best-- working on being as unabashedly Italian American as possible! Seeing as a big part of the Italian American identity is drawing from the interactions we have with …
The ‘Anima’ of Jessup: La Corsa dei Ceri
It’s not just an event—it’s an outward manifestation of something felt so deep within the community of Jessup, Pennsylvania, that it can only be described as “anima,” or “soul.” This year, while forces beyond their control caused their event to be canceled, the “anima” of Jessup still shines …