Why is Arthur Avenue, the Little Italy in the Bronx, NY, so unique amongst America’s Italian enclaves?
After a day of filming the newest episode of Greetings From Italian America, Rossella, Pat, and John sit down for a plate of fresh-made pasta with Danielle Oteri, the co-founder of ‘Feast on History’ and the ‘Arthur Avenue Food Tours’ to discuss just what makes this neighborhood so unique.
They’ll discuss how a call from a British department store inspired this proud daughter of the Bronx neighborhood to begin her now-booming tour company, and whether the Italian sense of competition is a limitation of a bygone era or the fuel behind this neighborhood’s resilience.
They’ll find out why Arthur Avenue is so special at Christmastime, and share some recommendations on where to visit, but, no Italian American Podcast would be complete without a tangent or two into Italian American minutia!
In this case for example, Pat finally identifies the distinct uses for two different types of beef tripe, and puts on his professorial hat for a fascinating history of Southern Italian Christmas desserts!
It’s an episode that will get you in the Spirit of the Season… and whet your appetite at the same time!
Grazie Mille,
The Italian American Podcast Team
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