The National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) recently became a partnering sponsor of our podcast. In this episode we visit The National Italian American Foundation headquarters in Washington, D.C. and learn about how it protects, preserves and celebrates Italian-American heritage and culture. This episode contains some really in-depth discussion on Italian-American pride and respect. Enjoy it….
Episode Quote from the National Italian American Foundation (NIAF)
“We want to be the place that provides an accessible version of your Italian-American heritage for you.” – John Viola on NIAF
Tweetables (Click to Tweet)
- “Our product is your identity as Italian Americans, how you feel about yourself.” – John Viola on what NIAF does
- “The feeling that you belong to something bigger than you can apply to any culture.” – Xavier Atizol of NIAF
- “We can’t re-create the specifics of where we came from, but we can keep the essence alive.” – John Viola on NIAF
- “Our heritage is so tied to our identity” – Julia Streisfeld of NIAF
- “Our job is to be evangelical Italians. We have to start with passion and bring it to the world.” – John Viola on NIAF
- “As Italian Americans it is our responsibility to support each other.” – Dolores Alfieri
- “Is there anything better than being Italian and American?” – Dolores Alfieri
- “By nature or nurture I have attributed everything positive in my life to my culture.” – NIAF President John Viola
- “You have to belong to something greater than yourself. It is what makes you human.” – NIAF President John Viola
- “The value of sitting around the kitchen table and having a tradition of certain foods and the conversation – those are roots of heritage.” – Dr. Rosa
- “One thing Italians have, is that they are really good at being human beings.” – NIAF President John Viola
- “Routine is human, and it brings everybody together.” – NIAF President John Viola
- “100% of the reason that we exist is because the word RESPECT still exists.” – Dr. Rosa on Italian Americans
- “We were raised like it was Southern Italy circa 1900.” – Dolores Alfieri
- “When you find out that someone is Italian that you were friends with, all of a sudden it is like they are your cousin.” – Dr. Rosa

Episode Summary
- NIAF is dedicated to:
- Preserving and protecting our heritage
- Strengthening the ties between Italy and the U.S.
- Making opportunities available for education to people in our community
- Promoting the Italian language
- NIAF tries to provide Italians a venue where they can feel safe and comfortable in their Italian-American skin.
- NIAF wasn’t founded until the mid 1970’s, which shows the progress of the Italian American community and how we are evolving.
Episode Sponsors
The National Italian American Foundation
NIAF New York City Gala
Select Italy
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