In this episode of The Italian American Podcast , we talk with two guests who are both listeners of the podcast and who both have a passion for their heritage that they have turned into very special projects focused on keeping Italian American traditions alive . Our first guest is Dominic Condo, author of A Little of This and Some of That: Recipes and Memoirs from an Italian-American Food Blogger. Our second guest is Michelle Messina Reale who is very passionate about Italian American authors and has started an outlet for them called Ovunque Siamo.
Episode Quote:
“Cooking is all about people. Food is maybe the only universal thing that really has the power to bring everyone together. No matter what culture, everywhere around the world, people get together to eat.” – Guy Fieri
- “To this day, our family still gets together for Christmas dinners.” – Dominic Condo
- “Times change, and family dynamics change, but we still keep our family traditions going.” – Dominic Condo
- “If we don’t adapt and make it easier for our children to adapt to the Italian American traditions, then they might not latch onto the Italian traditions at all.” – Anthony Fasano
- “When you grow up in an Italian American neighborhood, it leaves a permanent imprint on your life.” – Anthony Fasano
- “If you want some of your traditions to carry on, you need to create avenues for it to happen.” – Anthony Fasano
- “The Italian American writing community is incredibly cohesive, warm, loving and helpful to each other.” – Michelle Messina Reale
About our Guests
Dominic Condo

Dominic Condo was born and raised in South Philadelphia, now living in the Philly ‘burbs of Drexel Hill. He enjoys sharing traditional (and personally updated) Italian American recipes and the family stories that go along with them.
Although he is not a professional chef, or have any formal training or professional experience, he’s always had a passion for cooking. His skills are very old school. It’s not often that he deals with exact measurements. Dominic grew up with “a pinch of this,” “some of that,” “a little more over there!!!” It’s a skill that most Italians and Italian-Americans pride themselves on. In 2017, Dominic published his first book, A Little of This and Some of That: Recipes and Memoirs from an Italian-American Food Blogger.
Michelle Messina Reale

Michelle Messina Reale is the creator of a project and website called Ovunque Siamo, providing an avenue for the voices of Italian American authors to be heard. Michelle is an Associate Professor at Arcadia University in the suburbs of Philadelphia. She is a poet, researcher and social activist and is super passionate about Italian American authors.
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Resources Mentioned
Books Mentioned
A Little of This and Some of That
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